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Cut-flower Trade Data

We have done the hard work for you and looked into trade flows of cut-flowers across the globe. We’ve analysed global trade flows of cut-flower imports and exports. Sticking with our research focus and interest, some of these briefs also focus on specific regions. Read and download our trade data briefs below.

Global cut-flower imports and exports.
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UK cut-flower imports.
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South African cut-flower exports.
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US cut-flower imports.
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Chinese cut-flower imports.
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Dutch cut-flower imports and exports.
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Cut-flower Sustainability Guide

We have updated our Cut-flower Sustainability Guide launched in October at FleurEx 2019. You can download it for free by clicking on the image below:

Cut-flower Sustainability Posters

You can download our free Cut-flower Sustainability Posters from the ‘Flowers from the Farm’ conference by clicking on the images below: