Green Gown Awards 2019 – Recognition of the Project’s Research

Following the Sustainable Cut-Flowers Research Project’s award nomination for the Green Gown Awards in the category ‘Research with Impact‘. The project was recognised as highly commended in the ‘Research with Impact’ category at the ceremony on Tuesday 26th November 2019. The research project team, comprising of Dr David Bek, Dr Jill Timms along with Dr Nora Lanari (then PhD candidate), are thrilled at obtaining the award. The Centre for Business in Society, the research centre in which the project is based, have shown their delight for the fantastic research that has acknowledged.

Below are Jill and David’s reflections on the prestigious award and their excitement for recieving the honour at the Green Gown Awards.

“Receiving an accolade from the prestigious Green Gown Awards is the icing on the cake for this project and our stakeholders.”
Dr Jill Timms

“This commendation demonstrates how the sustainability dial is starting to shift in the cut-flower market with benefits being created for small UK producers, as well as within global-scale production networks such as Fairtrade.”
Dr David Bek

A big thank you again to The Green Gown Awards for being nominated, and well done to the Research Team!

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